First Fundraiser

There's a certain amount of infrastructure necessary even with the smallest of organizations. Take i.HUG. In order to launch our very first but very tiny fundraising effort, materials need to be written, pamphlets designed, ideas set in stone.
But sometimes, when explaining why we want to build a school, I feel at a loss for words.
There is no government-run school in Kabalagala. So many of the 3,000 kids there just don't get an education. Of course we want to build a school so these beautiful kids can learn, break out of the prison of poverty, become valuable and contributing members of society. But there's a more immediate reason, too. And I was so at a loss for how to express that reason before Jane read me UNICEF's definition of childhood:
Childhood is more than just the time before a person is considered an adult. Meaning much more than just the space between birth and the attainment of adulthood, childhood refers to the state and condition of a child's life: to the quality of those years. Children living in abject poverty without adequate food, access to education, safe water, sanitation facilities and shelter are denied their childhood.
So with that definition in mind, I feel amazing about putting out our first fundraising project. I'm including a .jpg of the leaflet, sent to schools Paddy visited while he was in England.
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