The Little House that i.HUG Built

I love the feeling of movement. Of energy. Of momentum forward.
And right now, that's what we got.
Thankfully, Jane decided to forgo her second masters (she's smart enough, really), and become our first full-time i.Hugger. She's just been back from India a few days, and already, she's pushing everything along. In the works: mini-fundraisers to schools in England where Pastor Paddy spoke about the problems in Uganda; a pamphlet; a curriculum for the new school; not to mention this nifty graphic--we get to fill in the boxes when we raise money.
We decided this was the absolute base amount we can open the school with. It includes things like 6 months rent (what we have to put down) and two months teachers' salary. To me, it seems like way too little. But when Jane tells me about the cost of things in Uganda, I begin to see that she's right.
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