Go Hardlow! We're so proud of you!

The idea of mini-fundraisers came out of necessity. We were ready to start raising money, but we didn't have our 501c3 yet. Plus, we had essentially no experience with large-scale fundraising. So we said, why don't we just start out small.
We began with what we knew how to do--motivating the people around us, and around them, to do something--anything--with the idea that small steps make up the journey. Have a dinner party with contributions. Set up a murder mystery game with a $10 buy-in for charity. Organize a kickball game with a $20 kick-in for our charity. These mini-fundraisers would also be a way to organize people and spread the word about the project.
The "English Project" was our first fundraising effort. The idea was to touch base with schools in England that Paddy had visited on his trip, and make them active members in getting our school in Kabalgala off the ground.
Board Member Mary Dicker reports from the ground:
Just come back from the i. Hug shoot out at Hadlow School. It was really lovely. The year 6 had organised it all, am sure they will have raised more than we asked for. They made their own sponsor forms and had i.Hug posters everywhere and on their backs! Then all the children bought a drink and biscuit for 20p.
Can you imagine those children organizing the whole fundraising effort? I feel so proud of them! I hope they understand how far that money goes!
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