A Collective Movement

I'm offering up the link to a recent Washington Post article about a man named John Wanda, who moved from Uganda to the D.C. area, and then proceeded to spend his next years working to set up a school in Uganda. If you haven't read it, you should do it now: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/05/17/AR2006051701560.html
We are also chatting with a man who works at the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative--a collective financing science and innovation to find an AIDS vaccine--who is working outside his day job to set up a primary school in Rwanda.
Not to mention Paddy's work with setting up the school on the boarder of Congo. (Pictured here).
The contact with these other projects makes it start to feel like a collective of grassroots efforts--a movement of education warriors. We are people that see early childhood education and school as one of the answers for Africa's problems.
I like the thought of projects popping up through Africa, and then working together and learning from one another to understand regional best practices. In particular, for anyone reading this, would love to share our project proposal for the Seeds Project primary school, and get some feedback.
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