Jacky and her Mango tree clinics

This photo is from the village in Mbarara where I do ‘under the Mango tree’ type clinics when I am up-country. This wee child had a colostomy made when he was born which should have been corrected when he was one year old. He is now three, nothing has been done, the mum has no idea of how to look after him and just ties a filthy rag around it. Weird looking colostomy.
I have managed to get a company in NZ to supply some colostomy bags and am giving the mum some education on how to care for the child while I investigate the possibility of corrective surgery.
Well I could go on, but there are just so many cases everywhere that need attention often through mismanagement by the medical profession. When and if you get a community clinic started it will be inundated with all kinds of people who desperately need help. I think there will be need for paying clients to cover the costs of the poor and still be able to make a profit.
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