Open Day 2007
The day before I left Uganda, Kabalagala Community Academy had its first Open Day. (What's Open Day?, you may ask. Well, it's like a Speech Day, only less boring.) All the i.HUG kids—even the ones that attend other schools—as well as parents and guardians and the local counselman and village elders came out for the event. We consider Open Day a way to officially invite the community in, and show them what we do.

The kids had been practicing so hard all week for the big event: there were five or six songs to be sung, to be danced to, and skills like spelling and match to be showed off. I had butterflies in my stomach for them (although grateful for the water in the jerry can at home—the water had been cut and I really wanted to be showered for the event!)
The chairs arrived in the nick of time, and the seats began to fill. Showtime!!!!

As most events do, it began with the Ugandan national anthem, and then our KCA visitors song. As the day wore on, I realized I hadn’t stopped smiling in hours—the kids were so adorable, so earnest and excited. And when the power cut on and off, on and off due to problems with the equipment, Ronald and Dennis jumped in like a comedy act and kept everyone entertained.

There were also several speeches throughout the day—from myself, from Jane, Pastor Paddy, and a representative from the parents. I was particularly touched by that last one, when a parent spoke to me directly and thanked me for my efforts. And then I was showered with presents like beautiful hand woven mats banana fiber bags (jealous?) The parents and guardians are so grateful for the school, and for the help they receive with the children. So, if you’re reading this, please feel it…I’m passing it all along to you.