The Different Areas of Kabalagala

Hi All
I thought you might be interested to have pin pointed the actual area that we are all working so hard to help. (See attached PDF map)
Find Kabalagala (to the south West of the city centre), then find 'Shires Pizza' Next to Shires Pizza is Eighth Street. Our sponsored children and our activities are focused on the Kabalagala end of Eigth street and the surrounding area. This is the area where there are lots of prostitutes, some as young as 12, street children and extreme crippling poverty. Sadly, many of the men who use these prostitutes are foreigners, they come to the discos and bars that you find advertised on the internet and then afterwards pay virtually nothing to local girls for their services. Paddy has much to say about his fight against prostitution in the area and their efforts to help these young girls....
So, if anyone asks you about Kabalagala and it being a rich area remember that New York is pretty rich but still there is a lot of poverty and a lot of not-for-profits working there! (We have had some questions from potential donors who have googled 'Kabalagala' and only found sites that talk about all it's discos, bars and restaurants which has made them ask the question 'Is this really a poor area?')
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